気になった英語問題15 that is (2018 渋谷教育学園幕張、桐朋)




You also have time to set priorities, that is ,to decide which things are more important and which things are less important.

このthat isthat is to sayto sayがない形です。以下におもな英英辞典による定義を列挙してみます。

1―used when giving more accurate or specific information about someone or something that was just mentioned 
2―used when giving information that affects something previously mentioned (Merriam-Webster)

You use that is or that is to say to indicate that you are about to express the same idea more clearly or precisely. (COBUILD)

used before giving more details or being more exact about something (LDOCE)

used to say what something means or to give more information (OALD)


先の長文であれば、 “to set priorities”「優先順位を決める」を” to decide which things are more important and which things are less important”「どの物事がより重要で、どの物事がより重要ではないかを決める」と、より詳らかに述べています。

似たような役割のものにso to speakがありますが、こちらもおもな英英辞典より定義を列挙してみると……

used to indicate that you are using words in an unusual or figurative way rather than a literal way (Merriam-Webster)

You use so to speak to draw attention to the fact that you are describing or referring to something in a way that may be amusing or unusual rather than completely accurate. (COBUILD)

used when you are saying something in words that do not have their usual meaning (LDOCE)

used to emphasize that you are expressing something in an unusual or amusing way (OALD)

「いわば」という訳があてられることからも明らかなとおり、比喩としての要素が強いわけです。また、こちらは文中や文末に置かれるのが基本なので、文頭にも置かれるThat is(to say)とは大きな違いがあります。
